Océ Repro Desk Professional software
Tuesday 08. April 2008 - New end-to-end print automation solution
Océ introduces Océ Repro Desk Professional, the new online print processing software that takes advantage of new digital technologies to improve services and streamline workflow for professional reprographers. It makes it easy for customers to submit mixed technical and office document print orders directly to the reprographic center and reduce costly mistakes. This software can be used to run all operations in the reprographic center. It also supports many color file formats to accommodate printing for color technical documents.
Randall Watterson, Océ Product Manager, says, “Océ Repro Desk Professional provides a way for reprographers to transition from traditional workflows to take advantage of the latest Océ printers. It also enables color printers to be integrated into the workflow and grow in color production without changing the software. Reprographers can use the same product to manage all of their work – even to send work to other locations.”
Océ Repro Desk Client Tools reduce expensive errors
Print orders from technical customers can include any combination of technical and office documents, in color or black and white, from one or more departments. The new Océ Repro Desk Client Tools allow external customers to create print orders directly from AutoCAD or Windows Explorer. Different file formats, such as AutoCAD DWG and Autodesk DWF, HPGL and TIFF, can be processed into a black & white and color, print-ready distribution format. The files can be pre-proofed on screen exactly as they will be printed. Customers submit their orders via HTTP, the most common internet protocol, to the reprographics shop. They can feel confident that their orders will be correctly printed and that costly mistakes will be avoided.
Supports color printing and document archiving
Color is becoming more and more important in technical documents. Océ Repro Desk Professional now includes the capability of processing, viewing and modifying many color file formats. Once prepared, the files can be printed on Océ color printers as well those of other manufacturers. Color originals can be scanned and printed to any printer. As color demand increases, Océ Repro Desk Professional will support reprographers in adding color to their service offering.
Share work with other locations
The new Location Center feature enables reprographers to transfer all or part of an order to other locations to facilitate deliveries or balance the work load. Any type of file can be transferred over the internet or local network to facilitate sharing expensive equipment that may only be available in one location.
Controls print traffic
With Océ Print Center an operator can function as a “traffic controller” to keep printers running and plan for strict deadlines. Orders can be drag-and-dropped to print devices or defined printer groups. Printer groups can include any combination of technical, office, color and black & white printers. Printing rules will allow the operator to load balance and split orders across any of the printers. This flexibility to distribute clicks across multiple devices or consolidate more volume on one device leads to a more efficient prodution environment.