Business News
Envelope Industry Foundation Launches, A New On-Line Resource for Direct Marketers and Creative Professionals
Monday 28. January 2008 - Direct marketing and design professionals now have an exciting new on-line resource for information about the power of envelopes and paper-based communications:
Created by the Envelope Manufacturers Association Foundation (EMAF) and launched today, the new Web site contains information direct marketers, graphic designers, art directors and other creative professionals need to take advantage of the innovative and effective power of envelopes.
“Creative professionals are using envelopes in ways never seen before and consumers are responding,” said Tonya Muse, executive director of EMAF. “Our goal is to inspire others to look at envelopes in a new way and to use them as their communications vehicle of choice.”
The Web site currently includes five sections that provide information on everything from current postal rates and regulations to the latest gum and adhesive technologies:
Designers Corner provides a forum for creative professionals to showcase innovative uses of envelopes as part of their advertising and marketing campaigns, and a chance for others to view and become inspired by their work. This section also provides links to design associations, Web sites with postal information and details on envelope construction.
Creative Campaigns is updated regularly with case studies that illustrate some of the most creative uses of envelopes in communications campaigns. Visitors are encouraged to submit their work for inclusion in this section.
Eco-Friendly Envelopes provides information on every sector of the envelope industry’s commitment to sound environmental practices, including paper recovery, recycling and reuse; corn-based gums and adhesives; and thinner window films.
Trends & Technologies highlights new envelope and mail industry technologies that, among other things, merge paper-based communications with electronic communications in ways never seen before.
Stats Facts & More offers statistics, facts and other information related to the effectiveness of envelopes and consumers’ preference in receiving information this way.
“American consumers value and pay more attention to marketing materials mailed to them in an envelope than in any other format, and more than 85 percent say envelopes are safe, secure and private,” Muse said. “These are just some of the facts we want advertisers, designers and other creative professionals to consider as they choose envelopes for their future campaigns.”