
Truly integrated print management

Friday 11. January 2008 - New release of Océ Print Exec Department

The latest release of Océ Print Exec Department makes the engineering print process even easier. The new Integration Pack interfaces seamlessly with the customer’s digital document environment, allowing users to print directly from document management systems. For even further cost savings, the new release includes a print preview that ensures first time right printing. With these latest enhancements, Océ Print Exec Department 1.2 offers a truly integrated print management tool for the engineering print process.

Seamless integration with document management systems
Océ Print Exec Department 1.2 interfaces seamlessly with EDM, PDM and PLM systems that are used to create and archive today’s engineering documents. This gives users three easy ways to print documents from these systems. They can use Océ Print Exec Department’s Publisher Engineering client through the Command Line interface. They can use the Integration Pack to simply submit documents to a hot folder for automatic printing. They can also use the scripting tool to create their own print interface. This gives customers a truly integrated print management tool that optimizes the engineering print process.

Print preview for first time right printing
To prevent wasted prints and errors due to inaccurate or incomplete information, Océ Print Exec Department provides visual feedback on the print settings prior to actual printing. In release 1.2, this feedback is enhanced with a preview of the image so that users can get their prints right first time more often. This ensures that designers, architects, engineers and other professionals work with accurate and up-to-date information.

The easiest way to optimize the engineering print process
Océ Print Exec Department 1.2 is part of the Océ Print Exec suite of engineering print management solutions. It can be used to print documents from any Windows-compatible application, generate and print sets of documents, or create an integrated print solution from any document environment. Documents can be printed to Océ and non-Océ printers, black & white and color printers, and to small and wide format printers. All of this makes Océ Print Exec Department the easiest way to optimize the engineering print process.
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