Business News

Professor Michael Paetsch replaces Dr. Fritz Kröger on the Supervisory Board of CeWe Color Holding AG

Monday 07. January 2008 - - Dr. Kröger leaves the Supervisory Board after fifteen years - Declared marketing expert Professor Paetsch brings in vital experience

Dr. Fritz Kröger is vacating his seat on the Supervisory Board of CeWe Color Holding AG. His resignation is to take effect on 31 December 2007. Professor Dr. Michael Paetsch has now been appointed to the Supervisory Board as of 1 January 2008. The Annual General Meeting had previously elected Professor Paetsch as an assistant member of the Supervisory Board.

As an internationally renowned management consultant and a declared strategic expert, Dr. Fritz Kröger, who has been a member of the Supervisory Board of CeWe Color Holding since the company went public, has played a significant role in the positive development of CeWe Color Holding AG throughout his entire period in office. “Dr. Kröger deserves special thanks for his yearlong, at all times committed activities to the benefit of the company,” Hubert Rothärmel, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CeWe Color Holding, pointed out.

With Professor Michael Paetsch a distinguished, renowned marketing expert was now filling the post vacated on the Supervisory Board. His previous positions include Director for Marketing and Product Management with Vodafone and since 2004 he has been active as a Professor for International Marketing at the University of Pforzheim in Germany.”The expertise in the area of marketing which Professor Paetsch embodies illustrates just how much this area is gaining in significance at CeWe Color,” Hubert Rothärmel says. “We are therefore thankful that with Professor Paetsch we have gained a renowned marketing expert for our committee and we look forward to working together!”
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