
Thermoformed pack for new concept soup

RPC Bebo Plastik has designed and produced a bespoke thermoformed polypropylene container for a new ready meal soup concept from Keunecke Frischemenue GmbH.

Wednesday 02. January 2008 - RPC Bebo Plastik has designed and produced a bespoke thermoformed polypropylene container for a new ready meal soup concept from Keunecke Frischemenue GmbH.

Established in 1891, Keunecke Frischemenue is a leading fine food specialist in Germany. The company’s new range of fresh soups has been created to provide a minimum 28-day shelf life when stored in the chiller cabinet, and can be cooked in the microwave in three minutes to offer a fast and tasty meal. The extensive choice includes gourmet recipes and a
healthy range.

The round custom designed container from RPC Bebo Plastik allows the soup to be consumed directly from the pack if required. It is available in two formats, with a separate compartment created for the soup varieties that include croutons to be added after heating. The design also features two winged handgrips on the rim for ease of carrying and maximum consumer convenience.

A colourful cardboard outer sleeve with photographs of each soup recipe helps to maximise on-shelf appeal.

“We chose RPC Bebo Plastik for our new soup pack because of the company’s established reputation in the design and production of ready meal containers,” comments Mr Heilemann, General Manager of Keunecke Frischemenue. “The container is modern looking and convenient and perfectly fulfils our product’s requirements.”
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