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Legal Information

Blömer Medien GmbH
Freiligrathring 18-20
40878 Ratingen

Phone +49 2102 1 470 870
Fax +49 2102 1 470 865

Commercial register no.:
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 72272
VAT No: DE 815 499 672


Andreas Blömer

Editorial staff

Daniela Blömer (responsible)
Sabine Slaughter
Anton Busch
Hugo Riedke
Franz-Josef Arling



Oliver Göpfert


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World of Print

World of Print is the leading monthly magazine for everyone involved into prof essional printing who needs to invest in new technology to stay competetive: publishers, ad agencys, printers, service bureaus, creative studios and photographers and last but not least, the advertising- and DTP-departments of industrial companys and official administrations. prepress - World of Print is read by decision makers responsible for investments in hard- and software. The editorial concept of prepress - World of Print takes care of their special needs. Information is presented in a compact, understandable way, while delivering all facts neccessary for decision-making. prepress - World of Print helps the readers to keep an overview over a complex, fast-moving market while getting all neccessary information. prepress - World of Print focuses on the presentation of new software and equipment in form of reviews or critical reports. Regular market overviews supply the reader with facts out of long-term-trends and product developments. In addition, interviews with well-known experts, features about the relevant technical-scientific connections and reports on the major events form a unique source of information for professionals who must make the right decisions for their company.
If you are interested in placing your banner on our web pages or in advertising in prepress - World of Print, we will be happy to help you.
Just send an Email to Oliver Goepfert. He will contact you immediatly and will send you all the neccessary documents.
You can also contact us at:
C.A.T.-Verlag Bloemer GmbH, Postfach 12 29, D-40832 Ratingen, Germany
Telephone: +49 2102 2027-52?Fax: +49 2102 2027-90