Business News

Keypoint Intelligence Analyzes Technology and Sales Channels in the Photo Printing Market

Thursday 26. October 2023 - Keypoint Intelligence conducted interviews with wholesale providers in the photographic industry and commercial graphic labs to better understand the US photo printing market. In the analysis, the report explores what photo print providers need to do to compete more effectively.

In the last 20 years, a revolution in the photographic market has transformed not only the way print is purchased, but how it is being produced as well. Photo service providers are increasingly looking to leverage the Internet to sell print services, providing the market with mass market pricing and personalized service direct to the home.
While once thriving, local or regional photo processing labs using AgX (silver halide) technology are having to adjust to the growth in digital print volumes. In line with consumer demand for images on unique materials and media, photo print providers are showing an increasing desire to invest in digital printing. However, despite its relatively negative environmental impact due to its chemistry, AgX is still highly valued in certain applications.
E-commerce rising in this market creates a requirement for these businesses to streamline their front-facing online presence and the back-end processing of orders. The trend of purchasing online is making large photo print houses even larger, as they shuttle wholesale prints to the public through online sellers where websites appear to be thought of as traditional storefronts.
“This study is a must read to better understand the AgX process and also the differences between such analog technology and digital printing when it comes to photo print service providers buying criteria of quality, productivity, costs and sustainability,” states German Sacristan, Keypoint Intelligence’s Production Group Director.
The Photography Services Market Trends Report can be purchased separately or as part of a subscription to other research provided by Keypoint Intelligence’s On-Demand Printing & Publishing advisory service.
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