Cobalt integrates live-reporting into newsroom workflow

Friday 10. November 2017 - Some types of news can really benefit from real-time coverage, said Ismail Gazarin, EidosMedia CIO. High-profile events, technology announcements, natural and man-made disasters - these are all opportunities for news producers to add extra value to their output by covering them live, while boosting site traffic through repeat visits.
“The technology to do this has been around for some time, but integrating it into the rest of the newsroom workflow wasnt straightforward. Thats why we developed Cobalt Live,” said Ismail.
Cobalt Live is part of EidosMedias new digital content delivery platform Cobalt. Using any mobile device from laptop to smartphone, live reporters can post text and multimedia content directly into an online news stream, as well as embedding tweets and other social content, photos and videos, captured locally or found online.
Cobalt Live can manage coverage from an individual author or (because live-blogging can often be a team activity) a team of contributors, coordinated by a moderator. All posts from contributors arrive in the ‘staging area’ in the moderator’s workspace. Here they can be edited, if necessary, before being posted to the live stream.
“Cobalt Live makes setting up and managing a live sequence as easy as creating a normal news story,” said Ismail. “Everyone involved works in the same space, whatever device they’re using, and their access and actions are subject to normal workflow permissions. What it does effectively is to move the workflow out of the newsroom and into a shared mobile workspace close to the action.”
“When you’re covering live events, your technology needs to be as transparent and user-friendly as possible,” said Massimo Barsotti, EidosMedia CMO. “Cobalt Live’s intuitive user interfaces allow contributors to create and manage media-rich news streams with minimal distraction.”
“Real-time coverage is rapidly becoming a mainstream news activity,” said Massimo. “By allowing news producers to integrate this dynamic format into their normal editorial processes, Cobalt Live adds significant value to the product portfolio.”