Offset Printing

Climate neutral printing with KBA

Interested printing shops can use a new platform jointly created with ClimatePartner,, to easily calculate the CO2 emissions generated in printing production runs. This makes it possible for them to provide interested customers with the opportunity to neutralize those emissions by participating in certified climate protection projects with a straightforward surcharge

Wednesday 14. July 2010 - New service provided by the printing manufacturer with ClimatePartner

In a collaboration project with ClimatePartner, Koenig & Bauer AG is the first printer manufacturer to offer environmentally minded customers an individualized and easy-to-use solution for calculating the greenhouse gas emissions generated by printing production runs.
KBA was one of ClimatePartner’s early industry partners. The two companies have been working together since 2008. Effective immediately, KBA will be offering their own online platform in co-operation with the environmental protection consultancy out of Munich. Printing shops can use the platform to calculate the CO2 emitted in their printing production runs, which could then be neutralized by participating in certified climate protection projects.

Printing shops registering at an enter data relevant to emissions and obtain the information on their printing shop’s individual carbon footprint, enabling them to henceforth print in a climate neutral manner. Furthermore, knowing a printing shop’s carbon footprint is the starting point for making improvements in environmental protection. The Würzburg printer manufacturer is hoping to sensitize their customers to the challenges presented by climate change.
Klaus Schmidt, Director of Marketing and Communication at KBA: “Climate neutral printing is one of many services offered by KBA for sustainable printing production. We hope to support our customers not only with highly energy efficient printing equipment and our commitment to waterless offset printing in environment friendly production, but also to help them to select the best printing substrate and finishing processes with respect to environmental protection. That’s why we’ve made the decision to come together with ClimatePartner to create an online platform for climate neutral printing.”

This new service will be launched in German and English. At ClimatePartner, the collaboration with KBA has been very well received: “Having a partnership with KBA is an important milestone for us.” explains Moritz Lehmkuhl, founder and CEO of ClimatePartner GmbH.
The platform for climate neutral printing is now being actively offered simultaneously in Europe and the USA.

About ClimatePartner:
Founded in 2006 and headquarted in Munich, this climate protection consultancy has associated companies in Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. They have 30 employees working on individual climate protection solutions for over 400 customers from all over the world, more than 250 of which come from the printing and media production sector.
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