Delightful chocolate in an appetising pack

Wednesday 03. December 2008 - Mälarchocolaterie - Swedish Chocolate Luxury - is a small, exclusive company providing delicious chocolate in beautiful packaging. The company is growing steadily. Now it takes a step into the international market.
Besides unusual flavours like blue cheese, horseradish, single malt whisky and cigar, they provide more traditional variants, too. Chocolate is an evocative product that calls up a flood of memories, says Elaine Chan, founder and part owner of the company. It calls up happiness. The process starts as soon as you see the pack. Thats why the box is such an important marketing tool. Mälarchocolaterie is currently upgrading its graphic design. We are building our brand and introducing ourselves to the world this autumn at international trade shows like SIAL and the Salon du Chocolat in France, as well as partnering with Korsnäs in their stand at Luxe Pack in Monaco, says Elaine.
Korsnäs knows packaging
We contacted Korsnäs several years ago, after reading about their Packaging Performance Service, says Elaine Chan. They helped us design gourmet packaging for take-away – baked goods and cakes. We learned why their board is so perfectly suited to chocolate: the material is odour and flavour neutral. Korsnäs White was the obvious choice for our new truffle packs, where the white material yields such superb printing results. We have also been able to print on the inside of the pack top to good effect.