
NiXPS announces technology partnerships with Enfocus and ADAM

Monday 25. February 2008 - XPS momentum grows as leaders in quality management for graphic arts and enterprise asset management integrate NiXPS technology

NiXPS, pioneer in delivering cross-platform XPS solutions, announces it has reached an agreement with two industry leaders, Enfocus and ADAM, to include NiXPS technology in future versions of their products. These partnerships confirm the growing need for practical solutions to incorporate support for Microsoft’s XPS file format into companies’ document and print workflows. From March 3-6,  NiXPS is showing its products on booth XPS6 at On Demand in Boston.
Partnership with Enfocus
Enfocus will be integrating NiXPS technology, allowing it to incorporate XPS technology in selected future products. Best known through its Acrobat plug-in PitStop Professional for interactive PDF editing and quality control, Enfocus now broadens its horizons to also include XPS support as a strategic part of its product roadmap. This will enable users of the XPS format to benefit from similar advanced preflighting and correction capabilities Enfocus has developed for PDF. 
“While PDF still is the de facto standard for document exchange in the graphic arts industry, we are increasingly getting customer demand to take a look at Microsoft’s XPS”, says Yves de Vieger Associate Director of Sales, Enfocus. “As the adoption of the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system Windows Vista grows, an increasing amount of people will start producing XPS documents. As in the past with PDF, we consider it our task to offer the graphic arts community a solution to output these files without errors.”
Partnership with ADAM
The partnership with ADAM Software gives a different view on how to implement NiXPS technology. ADAM will present the NiXPS library to its customers to fully support XPS as a document format in its digital asset management system. Through this integration, ADAM will be able to access and index content in an XPS file.
“ADAM has a proven proactive and open approach to new technologies and file formats. The ADAM provider model is the result of it. We have a close integration with MS Office, hence including full XPS support became obvious,” says ADAM CEO Pieter Casneuf. “The NiXPS library provides us with the possibility to deal with all the different aspects of this integration,” he concludes.
NiXPS Library is a C++ library allowing software publishers to rapidly deploy their own native XPS applications or add XPS viewing, editing, conversion or variable data functionality to their own application(s). Truly cross-platform, it enables developers to deploy XPS functionality today in a cost effective way and with a quick time to market.
“Both partnerships illustrate the growing momentum for XPS and the strong interest in our solutions,” says Nick De Roeck, managing director of NiXPS. “Our highly efficient, cross-platform XPS library presents fantastic opportunities for customers to embrace XPS in their offerings now. Our interactive XPS applications, NiXPS View and NiXPS Edit, form a compelling platform to deliver exciting XPS functionality to the desktop.
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