CTP - Computer to Plate
FUJIFILM launches Brillia HD PRO-V chemistry free violet plate at drupa 2008
Monday 21. January 2008 - FUJIFILM Corporation announces the launch of Brillia HD PRO-V, a chemistry free violet CTP plate, at drupa 2008. Available to order at the show, PRO-V brings the benefits of high quality, chemistry free plate production to users of violet CTP systems, and is suitable for both commercial and newspaper print applications.
Thanks to an unprecedented investment programme in plate R&D and manufacturing, FUJIFILM is now able to offer the most complete, high quality, environmentally-friendly range of CTP plate products in the industry. In line with Fujifilms long term strategy of offering choice, the Brillia High Definition range of CTP plates comprises both violet and thermal versions, with processed, chemistry-free and processless derivatives. The range is unique in that ALL plates are rated at 1-99% resolution, 200lpi and capable of printing 20?m FM, and is the only range on the market capable of delivering consistently high quality irrespective of the plate used. Backed up by a world-wide support infrastructure and plate manufacturing capability, FUJIFILM has developed a platform to build on its position as the number one plate supplier in the market.
The new Brillia HD PRO-V plate is based on a new “high sensitivity
polymerisation” technology that offers printers the following benefits:
Better environmental and simple processing
Easier maintenance of finishing unit
Less waste produced
Smaller footprint so saving space
No pH control required
Sensitivity: Same as current conventional violet CTP plate, Brillia LP-NV
Productivity: Same as current conventional violet CTP plate, Brillia LP-NV
Compatibility: Compatible with current violet platesetters
Resolution: 1-99% at AM200lpi, FM(TAFFETA20) with Luxel V-8HD and V-6HD
Runlengh: 150,000 – 200,000 impressions (depending on printing condition)
Ink/water balance: Same as current conventional violet CTP plate, LP-NV
UV ink capability: OK
FUJIFILM believes the positioning of its processless and chemistry free plate products will follow a very natural evolution. For those commercial printers with thermal CTP systems who demand the very highest environmental performance, PRO-T is the obvious choice as it requires no finishing unit, and the chemistry, water and waste by-products of traditional plate production are eliminated completely. With PRO-T, there are also no compromises to either the quality or productivity that can be achieved when compared to traditional thermal systems. For commercial and newspaper printers with violet CTP systems, and for those that need longer run lengths, PRO-V will be the ideal choice, allowing users to improve their environmental footprint while gaining the benefits of chemistry free operation.