
Antalis offers reassurance to Carbonless users

Tuesday 22. August 2023 - With the market and suppliers rapidly changing in the carbonless sector, Antalis are well positioned with market leading brands in both offset and digital grades. Whatever the application for your multi-part forms, Antalis has it covered.

Antalis offers a comprehensive selection of carbonless papers for both litho and digital printing from some of the biggest brands in the sector.
Antalis is the largest distributor of reacto, made in Germany by Koehler Paper Group, Europe’s leading manufacturer of carbonless paper. reacto carbonless provides exceptional print results and outstanding quality, in a wide choice of multi-part business forms including delivery notes, order forms, contracts, invoices, or any other documents requiring multiple copies.
Xerox Premium Digital Carbonless Paper provides optimum quality and performance for the printing of carbonless forms on laser printers and dry toner presses. Antalis is the sole distributor of the Xerox Premium Digital Carbonless Paper range, which offers a choice of colours, sizes and coating options as well as a variety of pre-collated sets and pre-perforated sheets.
Product Manager at Antalis, Paul Savill, comments: “Despite the rise of digitisation and online forms, carbonless papers continue to be a popular – and sustainable – choice for customers seeking to create multi-part forms. We stock a superb range and welcome the opportunity to help customers find carbonless paper solutions that meet their requirements.”
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