Inkjet & Digital Printing
DIPA Symposium 2021 sets new impulses for individual surface design with digital printing

Thursday 14. October 2021 - In the three thematic blocks Inks & Chemistry, Decor Design & Development and Technlogy & Software, aspects of modern digital surface decoration were shown. In the age of Industry 4.0, decor production systems and markets are networked and decentralized.
Under the motto “Create your own surface”, the second symposium of the DIPA Association for Individual Surface Design with Digital Printing (Digital Printing Association) took place on September 29.
The DIPA conference program was aimed at companies that are already successfully using digital printing, suppliers of machinery or consumables and other service providers that support the creation of a customized surface, companies that sell customized surfaces – from major furniture brands to cabinetmakers and carpenters as well as decor designers – but also those that are just beginning to think about using the technology.
The event did not provide a mere state-by-state description of the market and technologies, but rather provided each of the attendees interested in digital printing in surface technology with an insight and overview of the complete range of aspects and technologies to look out for in order to make a project a success, regardless of company size.
In the three thematic blocks “Inks & Chemistry”, “Decor Design & Development” and “Technlogy & Software”, aspects of modern digital surface decoration were shown. In the age of Industry 4.0, decor production systems and markets are networked, transparent, supportive and decentralized. The entire ecosystem was highlighted: Decor development and design, production and e-commerce workflows, business models, market trends. The decor industry in 2021 is a digitized, connected, connected industry, and attendees were shown how it works and how to become part of the ecosystem.
The Inks & Chemistry section focused, among other things, on digital décor inks, which are an important part of the digital production process. They guarantee the robustness of the sustainable end product and are a crucial factor in meeting environmental standards.
The Decor Design & Development thematic block looked at how designs are created, marketed and produced, and what today’s designers need to look for in the development process. A decor product always starts with a clever decor design, the factor that drives creativity and margin of the final application.
The third part, “Technology & Software,” highlighted digital printing systems in the digital age – the nuts and bolts of production. This is where the ink meets the substrate and value is created. The contribution of software, whether in print data creation or modern eCommerce workflows, was also discussed in this part of the symposium.
The event brought together experts and users to shed light on these developments in digital printing, report on their experiences and provide space for exchange. 110 participants took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the many possibilities offered by digital printing, both in person and online. This year, the conference was held as a hybrid event in H’Up in Hall 18 at the Hannover exhibition center. The German- and English-language presentations and Q&A sessions were streamed live.
“We are pleased with the good response from the industry and that we also succeeded with the combination of digital and presence event to make solution approaches for surface design and decoration accessible to users from 16 countries,” says René Schavoir, DIPA managing director.
Tuomas Aspiala, Group Commercial Manager Innovations, Teknos Group Oy, Helsinki, Finland, underlines the importance of the hybrid format: “It was extremely refreshing to see real faces and have real conversations. Is it true that you can never replace real meetings with meetings in the virtual world. My impression was how professional this event was organized. And also from the speakers point of view the DIPA symposium was really well arranged.”
The next DIPA conference will be held at the end of 2022.