Vielseitigkeit als
Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Das Large-Format-Geschäft behauptet sich erfolgreich im Rahmen der herausfordernden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die Druckdienstleister begegnen ihnen mit kreativen Applikationen und vor allem mit einer gehörigen Portion an Anpassungsfähigkeit und der Bereitschaft, die eigenen Prozesse neu zu überdenken. Wir sprachen mit Mike Boyle, Senior Vice President of HP Large Format Go-To-Market, über Differenzierungsmög- lichkeiten, das vorherrschende Automatisierungspotenzial im LFP-Markt und neue Marktchancen.......


GTF60: MG2 customization meets automation to create an innovative nutraceutical line

Tuesday 05. October 2021 - MG2 covers the Polish market thanks to the presence of its agent, Tomasz Bednarz of T.B. Pharma, who combines a wide technological know-how with his business skills. Poland is therefore a key market for MG2, which can rely on native speaking Polish technicians.

The protagonist of the case history is a Polish company, leader in the field of functional and food supplement, exporting its products to 90 countries, thus generating a turnover of more than 70 million euros
The technical solution
MG2 carried out a customized solution for the packaging of a liquid supplement contained in glass bottles with metal caps. The set of products must be placed in a display box, which is usually located in the racks of stores. The box is partially open to show a portion of the content, thus enabling the customer to pick up the desired product.
The project features a customized GTF60 tray former, developed to satisfy the most different packaging requirements starting from flat blanks. The system was customized to allow the forming of a display box with a special closing, and its opening by removing a strip from the cardboard. Inside, a separator holds in place and spaced the bottles in the box.
In the product handling area, the customization was particularly concentrated both in the bottles feeding zone, where the products are distributed in multiple rows, and in the reception area of the incoming bottles, to realize the configuration of the product in a precise point of the machine and the subsequent picking by the robot, for placing inside the box.
The machine is also equipped with a vision system, to check the presence and orientation of the product, thus ensuring the correct operation of the system.
Two six-axis robots perform the main handling operation on the line. The first robot guarantees the picking, forming and insertion of the separator inside the formed box. The second robot loads the products collection inside the carton, depending on the size.
The display box is sealed by hot-melt glue. This GTF60 handles two sizes of bottles (25 and 60 ml) and 4 sizes of boxes, as each bottle can be inserted into boxes with different capacity (9 or 20 pieces). As the incoming rate is constant (200 bottles per minute), a precise customization involving the software is required to guarantee the correct management of the working flow, which is affected from both the type of bottle and the number of products to be packed. For this specific issue as well, MG2 developers worked to find dedicated solutions, by strongly cooperating with the suppliers of robots and vision systems, to ensure a full and efficient integration of all components. In fact, the customization and the complexity of operations require a highly dedicated machine software.
Moreover, GTF60 is equipped with both a printer for variable data to be reported on the package (such as batch and expiry date) and a system for verifying a pre-printed 2D code on the cap, as well as checking pre-printed code on the carton.
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Vielseitigkeit als
Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Das Large-Format-Geschäft behauptet sich erfolgreich im Rahmen der herausfordernden gesamtwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die Druckdienstleister begegnen ihnen mit kreativen Applikationen und vor allem mit einer gehörigen Portion an Anpassungsfähigkeit und der Bereitschaft, die eigenen Prozesse neu zu überdenken. Wir sprachen mit Mike Boyle, Senior Vice President of HP Large Format Go-To-Market, über Differenzierungsmög- lichkeiten, das vorherrschende Automatisierungspotenzial im LFP-Markt und neue Marktchancen.......