Enfocus announces the release of PitStop Pro and PitStop Server 2021
Thursday 29. April 2021 - Enfocus, the leader in PDF quality control, advanced PDF editing and workflow automation for the entire graphic arts industry, announces the release of PitStop Pro 2021, PitStop Server 2021 and PitStop Library SDK 2021.
Enfocus has again listened to its customers and developed important new PDF editing and quality control features. Among them are three different PitStop actions aimed directly at packaging and label printers.
Significantly improved trimming
PitStop 2021 allows users to check, adjust and generate bleed along a vectorised outline. This shortens the pre-press process for PDF files with die-cut contours or digital cutting lines.
“We have made considerable progress in terms of bleeds for vector graphics. We no longer flip, but we extend the vector graphics. So a crop would be created even if the path was changed manually. Now there’s an action for that.” – Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager
Assembly function for brochures
PitStop 2021 includes an assembly function for brochures. Previously, there was a standard action in PitStop to cut double pages in half. In the new version, there is an action to create printer or proofreader double pages.
Other new features for creating PDFs in PitStop include the following actions:
Align and distribute objects – this action previously had to be done manually and can now be automated
Consolidate fonts – unifies multiple font subgroups to improve output performance.
Flatten type 3 fonts – converts type 3 fonts to normal page content
Separate action for lines and fills – splits outline and fill into two separate objects
Add hems and pockets – mirrors page content using bleed and bleed frames, which is particularly handy in large format work
Not magic, but PitStop!
“PitStop is the leading solution for PDF editing and quality control. To keep it that way, we continue to invest in innovation. Thanks to feedback from our customers and our continuous drive to make our products even better for them, PitStop is the most popular tool for prepress. It has even become a set phrase: “This PDF has yet to go into the PitStop…. Not magic, but PitStop.” – Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager