Offset Printing
manroland Goss Group acquires THALLO packaging business

Friday 18. December 2020 - On December 17, 2020, the manroland Goss Group, Augsburg, and Contiweb B.V., Boxmeer, The Netherlands, signed a purchase agreement on the sale of the Thallo web-offset packaging business including all Intellectual Property Rights.
manroland Goss, by this strategic investment, complements its product portfolio for the growing web-offset packaging market.
Thallo customers, existing and new ones, will benefit from decades of web-offset expertise and the global sales and service organization of manroland Goss.
Contiweb, at the same time, continues on its core business supplying auxiliary systems to the web-offset and digital printing industry.
“The acquisition of the Thallo packaging technology and business allows manroland Goss to expand its product portfolio”, says CEO Franz Kriechbaum. “Next to the fully automated and highly flexible VARIOMAN packaging solution, the Thallo press will strengthen our footprint in the packaging growth market.” New presses, spare and wear parts, hotline assistance, and all other aftermarket services will become available at just one touch point: manroland Goss.
Rutger Janssen, CEO of Contiweb, and Sander Koster, Investment Director at H2 Equity Partners, welcome the sale of the Thallo business to manroland Goss. “We believe that manroland Goss represents the type of best owner for the product we were looking for: solid, global, and well positioned in the web-offset market.” At the same time, Contiweb will focus its own business activities on the supply of auxiliary systems, such as splicers and dryers, to the printing industry.
manroland Goss, at the same time, entered into an Letter of Intent with DG press ServiceS B.V., Hall, The Netherlands, providing the basis for a business collaboration with regard to the Thallo packaging press. DG press ServiceS will play an important role in the manufacturing and project execution of the Thallo presses, contributing its long-lasting product and market expertise in the offset packaging segment. Franz Kriechbaum and Remko Koolbergen, Director at DG press ServiceS, agree that “the intended team play will create attractive offset solutions for all kind of packaging printers around the world.”