LFP - Large-Format-Printing

Ginnovate Your Creativity

Wednesday 24. July 2019 - Mimaki Germany initiates a competition designed for all advertising technicians, print service providers and junior staff. In the Gin Label Contest, participants are asked to design a label for a gin bottle and produce it using digital printing.

Hisashi Takeuchi, Managing Director of Mimaki Deutschland GmbH, explains why the gin label was chosen as the application: “The creation of signs and labels is a core task of advertising technicians and design agencies, which in recent years has increasingly been lost in day-to-day business. Gin, as a classic spirit, is a current trend drink which has again come into the focus of the public through design and concept. We want to combine this with this created competition and thus use the creativity of the advertising technicians to strengthen the classic areas again”. In a nutshell: Esprit, pep and creative joy are to flow into the label design. The project will be accompanied by Wetec organiser Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH, the trade magazine “Werbetechnik”, the official trade fair magazine of Wetec, and Avery Dennison.
Four jurors (Hisashi Takeuchi, Managing Director of Mimaki Deutschland GmbH, Bettina Tabel, Professor of Industrial Engineering Media at Stuttgart Media University, Horst Rothenberger, Technical Support Specialist Avery Dennison Graphics and Reflective Division Europe, Wolfgang Plonner, Managing Director of WNP Verlag) will evaluate the labels with the following criteria:

Originality: Is the label original for a gin bottle?
Quality: Is the print quality high and the cut precise?
Clarity: The label should contain the horse of the Stuttgart coat of arms. Does the work communicate the content in an understandable way?
The main prize is a one-week trip to Japan for two including flight and hotel. 2nd place is rewarded with a three-day city trip to either Munich or Amsterdam. Included are the train ride, overnight stays and a dinner in a Japanese luxury restaurant. 3rd place goes to a 500-euro voucher from Avery Dennison.

The conditions for participation are summarized here:

The label includes the Stuttgart coat of arms (horse). Use is only permitted for the Gin Label Contest.
The company/organisation is located in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.
The participant is at least 18 years old.
It is possible that several persons from one company participate. In this case, the prize goes to the individual. One person can apply with a label.
Cooperation with an external partner (e.g. an independent graphic designer) is possible as a team. In this case the prize goes to the team. A team can apply with a label.
Avery Dennison provides the film Mactac JT 8500 WG PT (monomer calendered, glossy white) as a print medium.
Digital printing (manufacturer-independent) should clearly be in the foreground of the design. A combination with other techniques (e.g. screen printing) is permitted.
Interested parties can register at by 30 September 2019. After registration, Mimaki will send a bottle to Germany and the Mactac film on request. The deadline for sending in the label in triplicate (one on the bottle, two loose) is 15 October 2019. An introduction text to the label (max. 600 characters) should be enclosed. The winners will first be announced in the trade magazine “Werbetechnik” on 13 December 2019. The official award ceremony will take place during the Wetec Stuttgart trade fair (30 January – 1 February 2020).
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