SCREEN Partners with Solimar to Offer Smart Print Manufacturing through Integration of SOLitrack with EQUIOS Workflow

Monday 25. February 2019 - SCREEN Graphic Solutions Co., Ltd. (SCREEN GA) today announced a partnership with Solimar Systems Inc. to optimize end-to-end control of the entire print workflow. This partnership includes a distribution agreement for Solimars SOLitrack database-centric output management system in the Japanese market and bi-directional connectivity between SCREENs EQUIOS universal workflow and Solimars Chemistry platform.
In recent years, the range of applications for variable printing has expanded significantly, enabling the insertion of individually optimized content such as direct mail and transactional statements. However, this trend is also requiring printing companies to efficiently operate multiple production lines while, in many cases, relying on on-site personnel to make the necessary management decisions. This has made the development of smart print manufacturing an increasingly important issue for the industry. Advances in this area will enable greater automation and labor saving plus fewer production losses and errors in the printing process, as well as improved overall tracking and visibility of print jobs.
In response to this need, SCREEN GA has reached an agreement to form a business partnership with Solimar, a leader in the development of workflow optimization solutions designed for transaction and direct mail printing users. The companys SOLitrack system provides excellent visualization of each job progress and statuses of equipment, plus a wide range of partnership that enables it to link with the printers of various manufacturers. SCREEN GAs EQUIOS solution platform delivers proven, highly reliable RIP processing, automation of predefined workflows and flexible automation with a wide range of postpress equipment. This wealth of features enables the construction of an ideal workflow environment for any customer.
The combination of technologies enables the visualization of job progress and equipment utilization for variable data and high volume transaction printing that extends across entire print facilities or is even spread over multiple facilities. The progress of print jobs can be checked on an intranet locally in real time and if errors or delays occur, notifications can be sent to smartphones. SOLitrack also functions as an integrated workflow control center that is capable of handling a variety of input data and automatically sorting jobs that meet specific conditions (automatic selection of output destinations). Combining it with EQUIOSs own automatic processing delivers even greater gains in automation and workload reduction.
SCREEN GA intends to use its new partnership with Solimar as an opportunity to further enhance its EQUIOS-based total workflow solutions. It will also continue its efforts to meet the growing requirements of the printing industry for smart print manufacturing.