LFP - Large-Format-Printing

UV and UV-LED technologies at SGI Dubai 2018

Tuesday 02. January 2018 - While one is the evolvement of the other, both technologies still have their use and applications. Exhibitors at SGI Dubai 2018 will present both.

SGI Dubai 2018 the largest and oldest trade show in the MENA region and beyond will showcase all technologies employed in large format printing. Two of those technologies, UV and UV-LED should be investigated further before investing into one or both.
At the 21st edition of SGI Dubai 2018 at the World Trade Center, a lot of different technologies for large format printing are on display. There are many differences that enable one or the other technology to be more suited for certain applications.
Taking UV and UV-LED technology for example: While UV lamps require a lot of energy and also emit hazardous fumes due to their high heat requirements, they also enable fast print speeds and cater to instant fast curing of the ink on the substrate, thus the resulting print can be nearly used instantly.
On the other hand, UV-LED technology, an evolvement from UV technology, uses UV diodes cure the specific LED-inks, both of them having been “aligned” in their wavelength so that curing at lower temperatures (around 28°C) is enabled. As UV-LED does use diodes, those do not emit any hazardous fumes therefore making it an environmentally friendly curing technology. While print speed can be compared with UV printing, UV-LEDs need slightly longer to cure the prints. However, as some substrates are temperature-sensitive and would be showing faults when cured at high temperatures, UV-LED can cater to those requirements. This enables UV-LED technology to cater to a broader range of substrates such as films, membranes and many more.
Both technologies enable many applications, not least haptic printing enabling beautiful results by employing layer technology that lets prints not only be an exciting piece to look at, but also can be felt, when moving one’s fingers or hand across them – apart from the striking 3D-like impression they give.
SGI Dubai 2018 is happy to present both technologies to its visitors via its exhibitors that showcase solutions and applications enabling print service providers and all industry participants to expand their business offering for a successful future.
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