
Solimar Releases Solimar Print Director Enterprise 8.3

Thursday 05. January 2017 - New User Interface Options, Production Accelerators & Transform Enhancements Added

Solimar Systems, Inc., a leading global provider of production printing and secure document delivery solutions, today announced the release of Solimar Print Director Enterprise (SPDE) version 8.3, a software solution that provides robust data stream conversions and output management control for high volume transactional printing environments. This latest version of Solimar’s print transform and workflow management product contains new operator efficiency features and production control enhancements.

SPDE 8.3 contains several user enhancements to organize and manage configurations and to customize operator interfaces. A new job activity view provides a simplified display of the status of processing and completed jobs for administrators and operators. These enhancements enable users to more effectively manage their print data workflows and configurations.

SPDE 8.3 includes additional control options for specifying page range reprints for various print data formats. The new page range options provide users with additional flexibility for managing and executing precise reprint operations that reduces paper waste.

A new IPDS::IPDS module allows users to selectively route a spooled IPDS print job to available cutsheet devices with the transform automatically changing the tray selection commands to match the configuration of the printer.

“SPDE 8.3 is a significant version update to our data transform and output management solution,” said Mary Ann Rowan, Solimar Chief Sales and Marketing Officer. “SPDE users will benefit from the new workflow efficiency features and production accelerator enhancements that have been implemented.”

Solimar products enable thousands of organizations around the world to expand and control their enterprise output management processes through robust data transforms, device optimizations, document reengineering, e-presentment and workflow tracking. The SPDE 8.3 release demonstrates Solimar’s continued commitment of over 25 years to delivering powerful output management solutions to clients.
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