
Ancillaries help Leicester plant cut alcohol and maintain top quality

Monday 10. December 2012 - Chesapeake's pharmaceutical plant in Leicester has underpinned its quality and environmental credentials with an investment in pressroom consumables from technotrans.

It has opted for an alpha.c combination unit to control both the inking and dampening temperature and the alpha.f filtration unit for its latest 28in press, a Komori L628.
By attaining consistent temperature, and by implication ink tack, and ensuring clean and consistent dampening the company is removing variables from production which prevents scumming (a hazard with UV inks) and ensures top quality results.
Filtration, the removal of debris from the dampening, is a prerequisite to reducing alcohol levels and the Chesapeake Leicester plant operates at a modest 3%.
“We were cleaning out the dampening every two or three weeks before we invested in the alpha.f. Now it will be every three months. The reduction in the cost of chemistry is probably offset by the investment in filters but where we definitely cut costs and effort is in the reduction in maintenance time,” says Terry Plumley, print manager.
The filtration unit uses a bypass connection to the dampening solution tank of the circulator. The dampening solution goes through a double filter system resulting in perfectly decontaminated dampening solution and a clean system. This cuts down on waste disposal costs and maintains equipment at its optimum level.
Alan Footitt, print and cut and crease production manager, says: “We now have full consistency across all four presses (two B1 and two B2) so when the water pH and conductivity is tested we know exactly what it should be. The technotrans equipment gives us confidence and their support services have certainly met our needs.”
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