
Solo Cup Company Launches New Recycling Program for its Solo Squared Cups

Friday 15. April 2011 - Joins forces with TerraCycle to Create 'Solo Cup Brigade' to Collect and Recycle Solo Cups; $5,000 in donations to benefit Keep NYC Beautiful Coalition

Your Solo party cups can have a second life under a new national recycling initiative launched today by Solo Cup Company.
As part of the Keep America Beautiful- Great America Clean Up event today in New York City’s Times Square, Solo announced it is joining forces with TerraCycle to create the ‘Solo Cup Brigade’ – individuals, schools and non-profits that will collect used Solo Squared plastic cups and return them to TerraCycle for recycling. The recycled material will be used to make other items such as equipment for playgrounds, park benches and outdoor furniture.
The Solo Cup Brigade establishes a unique recycling opportunity for plastic cups where one did not exist before, diverting them from landfills, giving them new life and converting them into a material for use in other products.
For every Solo Squared cup received, two cents will be donated to Keep America Beautiful or the non-profit or school of the collecting Brigade member’s choice. The first $5,000 donated to Keep America Beautiful will be directed to the Keep NYC Beautiful Coalition.
“The Solo Cup Brigade program is a way to encourage recycling of our iconic red cup — now Squared — and benefit deserving organizations at the same time,” said Kim Frankovich, Solo’s vice president, Sustainability.
Anyone, including schools, colleges and non-profit organizations, can sign-up online to be part of the Solo Cup Brigade. They simply go to to sign up and start collecting immediately. Collected cups are shipped to a TerraCycle facility for recycling. All shipping costs to TerraCycle will be paid by Solo.
“Sustainability is becoming a part of everyday life, and making sure our cups can be recycled as part of that ongoing activity is a priority for Solo,” said Frankovich. “Solo is proud to support, encourage and participate in recycling and sustainability efforts through our company, our employees and our communities.”
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