Business News

Operational status of Fuji Xerox and our affiliates after the earthquake in Tohoku District/offshore of the Pacific Ocean

Monday 21. March 2011 - Manufacturing sites of Fuji Xerox and our affiliates have not been severely impacted by the earthquake and have been continuing the operations.

We, however, are currently experiencing short of part supply. As of 10am, March 18, 2011, the following is the status:

Company Site Location Status Outlook
Fuji Xerox Manufacturing Niigata Center Kashiwazaki-shi, Niigata Pref. Has been suspending manufacturing of certain products since 17th, due to shortage of parts. The recommencement is under consideration.
Suzuka Center Suzuka-shi, Mie Pref. Has been suspending limited manufacturing since 18th, due to shortage of parts. The recommencement is under consideration.
Fuji Xerox established a special task force to cope with the situation on March 12 with Tadahito Yamamoto, president of Fuji Xerox, as the leader. While confirming the damage level, we are making full efforts to maintain our activities in sales, maintenance services and manufacturing. We would appreciate your understanding.
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