Business News

In a market which remains volatile, the Gallus Group achieved a turnover of CHF 178 million (last year CHF 214 million)

Tuesday 15. March 2011 - Significantly improved demand in the labels business

The economic recovery which began at the end of 2009 boosted demand for label printing presses. Nevertheless, there were still regional differences: the key stimulus for the demand came primarily from the emerging nations, while in many industrialised countries there was still a very noticeable reluctance to invest. On the other hand, the consumer behaviour which underpins the label printing press business was back up to pre-crisis levels in many countries. The Gallus ECS 340, a label printing press for commodity labels which was launched in 2009, was introduced worldwide in 2010 and thus contributed to the growth. This machine system is remarkable for being the first in the printing press industry to use technical granite as the carrier material for the printing and processing units. Together with other innovations, this machine enables considerable cuts to be made in the production costs of commodity labels.
Recovery in the folding carton business is still faltering
The folding carton business served by Gallus Stanz- und Druckmaschinen GmbH was still suffering greatly in 2010 from the reluctance of folding carton manufacturers to invest, and the volume of business was significantly down on 2009. Orders received in the second half of the year indicated a change in the trend and put the company in a good starting position for 2011.
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