Business News

Weldon Owen Launches Customer Apps

Thursday 24. February 2011 - U.S. book publisher Weldon Owen turns its books into iPhone applications for everyday use.

U.S. book publisher Weldon Owen Inc. launched its first two iPhone apps in January 2011, one with a long-term brand-publishing partner Gymboree Play & Music and one based on its internationally bestselling book Show Me How.
The Gymboree Baby iPhone app is based on content Weldon Owen created for Gymboree Play & Music books and gives parents of babies quick and easy inspiration for entertaining their infants with age-appropriate play.
With 365 activity ideas and more than 20 singalong songs, the app was recently promoted by Gymboree to its 3 million leading customers.
The Show Me Now iPhone app is a one-of-a-kind, easy-to-use guide to life that includes simple, step-by-step instructions for hundreds of things users might not have realized they want to know or should know. Everything from how to vacate a submerged car, carve a turkey, spike up a mohawk, to how to dazzle with sabrage and other essential skills.
“Our app was designed for those who want easy-to-follow, fast and fun instructions for any task in life,” says Roger Shaw, publisher at Weldon Owen. “People responded so positively to these practical but entertaining instructions in our books that we wanted to deliver them in a convenient way for the iPhone so they’ll always have this information at their fingertips. We have everything from life-saving emergency information to face-saving style information. The app launched in English but we’re now localizing for German and Dutch languages as the book achieved bestseller status in those markets.”
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