Business News
KBA-China demonstrates creativity and competence in the small format
Monday 25. October 2010 - New Genius 52UV in KBA-Demo-Center in Donguan / South-China
KBA-China is proud to present the newly designed Demo-Center including a Genius 52 UV. This waterless press with Anilox system and UV-curing is a unique system for various applications. KBA Donguan has been selected as the Demo-Center due to its strategic location, making it a convenient route for the customers coming from Southern China, Northern China and even Hong Kong.
“In this centre, we set up a professional team for research and develop the components of Genius 52 UV that can fit into our potential customers need and wants, say Mr. Joseph Kwan, Head of the KBA China Demo-Center.
For the past few months, the team has done a lot of preparation works, in order to make perfect presentations and provide full information to the customers – different printing substrates including PVC, PET, PVC+ABS, PVC Transparent, Lenticular Plastic, Cardboard Silver can be shown. At the same time, the team also compiled information from accessories and consumables suppliers (eg. inks and blankets) to analyze the printing results using different inks and blankets. After the above preparations have been completed, KBA China and his well trained staff is now being able to fulfil the customer expectations for professional activities .”The training session presented the above information and running live demonstrations on the press, helping our colleagues understood better the strength of the press before they present to our customers”, declare Joseph Kwan.
“Lately, the professional team with our sales representatives arranged special service to tailor-made test print to our potential customers. These sessions will show our customers the final test print results and the real press performance, So far the feedback from our customers for the Genius 52UV performance is favourable ! They will consider acquisition of our KBA Genius 52UV press in the near future to improve their production efficiency, which eventually leads to higher profit margins”, accented Mr. Kwan.