Business News

Con-Graph Polska remains true to KBA

Wednesday 18. August 2010 - Second Rapida for packaging printers in Torun

Con-Graph Polska in Torun, Poland, recently installed a new Rapida 105. The six-colour coater press with extended delivery is the second medium-format press from KBA at the company, which has now been present on the Polish market for 18 years.
Con-Graph was founded in 1992 as a branch of the Italian company Xelon, which had already been supplying packaging for the Polish market since the 1970s. It specialised in offset packaging printing from the very beginning and counts well-known representatives of the pharmaceuticals and confectionery industries among its most important customers. In fact, many of them have been Con-Graph customers ever since the initial founding. To be able to offer the best possible service, the company has invested regularly in new machinery for its print and post-press departments, including a five-colour Rapida 104 press in 2002. The positive experience with that first press was one of the main factors which swayed the decision to purchase another Rapida.
Pawe? Gabryelewicz, president and general director of Con-Graph: “The latest investment was necessary to enable us to provide even better and faster service both to our existing customer base and to our many new contacts. Our production profile called for a six-colour configuration with inline coating.” The project was in part co-funded by the European Union and the Polish government and included furthermore the purchase of a new die-cutter. “Appropriate delivery terms and an attractive price/performance ratio were of course significant factors influencing our choice of supplier,” adds deputy director Pawe? Halbedel. “But the most important criteria were the advanced technology, our previous experience with KBA solutions and the quality of the technical service available in Poland. We already saw that this had been the right decision when the Polish service engineers installed and commissioned the new press. We were absolutely delighted with the results of their work.”

The Rapida 105 in Torun is equipped with automated plate changing for both the printing units and the coater. The coating formes can thus be changed in no more than two minutes. The corresponding infrared and hot-air dryers are installed in the two delivery extension modules. Further highlights are the CX accessory package for substrates up to 1.2 mm thickness, a raised foundation for higher piles, non-stop pile changing facilities for the feeder and delivery (lowerable non-stop rollers), and the colour measuring and control system DensiTronic professional.
“The CX package was indispensable for our product spectrum. We handle mainly heavy and coated boards for packaging products, exhibition stands, displays, advertising boards and the like,” says Halbedel. “At this point, I simply must express my high regard for KBA. The press runs at its full production speed of 15,000 sph even with heavy boards. We could hardly be more satisfied with our new investment. And our customers have also noticed the difference both in the quality of their products and the efficiency of our response.”
Pawe? Gabryelewicz: “Many of our long-standing customers have praised our production. At the same time, ISO 9001 certification and a Golden Griffin Award for one of our packaging products are testimony to the quality of our services. We now hope that even more domestic and international customers will be taking up our offers in future, and that the new KBA press will contribute to the further development of the company. We are already looking forward to our 20th anniversary in two years.”
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