
Energy Saving Trust explains why they use Oracle database and eZ Publish

Thursday 11. June 2009 - eZ Publish has always been known as an open and relevant platform when it comes to integration. eZ Publish 4.1 supports Oracle natively and in November 2008, EST completed a major upgrade of its Web site, leveraging eZ Publish with Oracle Database infrastructure.

IT Manager Adam Spindler says: “We’re trying to leverage off-the-shelf applications whenever possible and as a result, our application development efforts are focused more on integration and being able to extend applications rather than writing them from scratch.”

Spindler continues: “We use PHP to communicate from eZ Publish to our CRM system, by generating XML and then receiving XML back, processing it, and putting it all in,” says Spindler. “Everything’s PHP, in fact, strong support for PHP was a key reason that the Energy Saving Trust chose eZ Publish. We liked the idea of PHP beforehand, but it was really the fact that eZ Publish was written in PHP that was the deciding factor,” says Spindler. “Previously we had to have a separate service running to handle our Web requests and basically used it to pass off the requests from Apache to this other service and process it there. But now with the PHP-based solution, it just runs as a plug-in, so it’s far more robust and efficient than before.”

This native support of Oracle for Enterprise grade customers, as well as of other Sun products as Mysql or Open Office bring interesting opportunities for companies with an Oracle based infrastructure willing to adopt eZ Publish to optimize their Web Content Management strategy.
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