Dancing Lady – a flowery swing

Wednesday 20. May 2009 - For Oriflame Gerresheimer has created a glass illusion of movement
Ingenious flacon design: temperament derived from spherical shapes
It appears to turn, to swing, to swirl up a fragrant aura – an illusion in glass. Dancing Lady is the name of the new perfume from Oriflame for which Gerresheimer designers have conjured up a magical flacon: in its own way just as vivacious and beautiful as the fantastically fragrant orchid from which Dancing Lady takes its name. The delicate flacon with just a hint of white can be seen at close quarters by visi¬tors to Luxe Pack in the New York Metropolitan Pavilion (May 20 to 21, 2009, Booth A9).
Unlike the rare and vivacious bloom from the South Pacific rain¬forests which is reminiscent of a real dancer in a floating dress, the refined little flacon displays spherical shapes to allow the idea of the flower and its dance to be translated into a highly original and disarming abstraction. Like the unfolding petals of a bud, the glass artists in Gerresheimer Momignies shaped three spheres into a fantastically light and vivacious object: the ingenious design gives the glass Dancing Lady an unmistakable swing.
In precise terms, the design consists of two spherical bowls set into each other and embracing a third apparently complete sphere. Asymmetry brings optical movement to this structure: the bowls incline in different angles and directions, and from the centre the smallest sphere grows as an immaculate globe. “A delightful concept”, comments Burkhard Lingenberg, Director of Marketing and Communication for the Gerresheimer Group, visibly impressed.
To complete the vivacious picture, the designers introduced a hint of white on the clear glass – in degradee spraying which gradually disappears towards the base in weightless transparency. The crown¬ing glory to this is provided by the closure: in vibrant metallic lilac the spray head glints from a blossom-white sleeve which also looks like a multilayered bud – swinging in harmony with the glass, but in miniature.