Business News
2008 a Record Year for Gerresheimer
Wednesday 29. April 2009 - Strong focus on the markets of pharma & life science Annual General Meeting passes dividend of 0.40 per share
The Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG today passed an unchanged dividend of 0.40 per share following the record year in 2008.
The Company finished the financial year 2008 with record results. Gerresheimer achieved sales of 1.06 billion (prior year 957.7m) and operating results (adjusted EBITDA) of 206.4m (prior year 181.6m).
At the Annual General Meeting in Düsseldorf the CEO Dr. Axel Herberg summarized the highlights of the financial year 2008: “We have achieved record levels in terms of sales and earnings. Gerresheimer is on a good course and will show itself to be very robust even in times of crisis.”
The shareholders approved the actions of the members of the Companys Supervisory Board and Management Board for the financial year 2008 and, as in the prior year, passed a dividend payment of 0.40 per share.
With share capital representation of 59.44% the Annual General Meeting passed the following resolutions:
ITEM 2: Appropriation of net earnings for the financial year 2008:
(99.99% of votes in favor)
ITEM 3: Approval of the actions of the Management Board members for the financial year 2008:
(100% of votes in favor)
ITEM 4: Approval of the actions of the Supervisory Board members for the financial year 2008:
(100% of votes in favor)
ITEM 5: Supplementary election to the Supervisory Board of Mr. Theodor Stuth, Auditor and Certified Tax Advisor, Neuss:
(100% of votes in favor)
ITEM 6: Election of the auditor for the financial year 2009:
(99.99% of votes in favor)