Expansion of sales for High Resistance Packaging that can be used for content with high permeability such as perfumes and alcohols

Tuesday 10. February 2009 - Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (hereafter Toppan Printing; Head office: Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo; President & CEO: Naoki Adachi) has established a method for enhancing the adhesiveness of each layer in film packaging formed by combining multiple layers of functional film.
By forming film packaging using this method, Toppan has developed “High Resistance Packaging” that is resistant against content with high permeability such as perfumes and alcohols. Sales will be expanded from January 15, 2009 focusing mainly on the toiletry, cosmetic and food industries.
Generally, for film-based packaging a laminated structure is employed with several layers of functional film stuck together in order to preserve contents. Previously, when the content has been a substance such as perfume or alcohol, it has permeated the film and lowered the adhesive strength between the layers. This therefore caused defects such as separation of the layers.
By reviewing the film, adhesive and laminating method, technology has been established for forming High Resistance Packaging that can be used for contents with high permeability. This was not possible with previous film packaging and therefore the number of possible applications has increased.
A variety of shapes, such as bags and tubes, is possible with High Resistance Packaging, and lids or spouts can be attached. With the recent demand for environmentally friendly packaging, film packaging is receiving attention because it is light and easy to handle, and can be easily disposed of by folding up after use.
With this background, it is predicted that film packaging will now be used to replace items such as glass bottles, cans and plastic containers for contents which were previously not possible because of the resistance problems.
High Resistance Packaging is currently being used successfully by a major manufacturer for bath agents. In the future, Toppan Printing intends to expand sales to sectors that handle large volumes of substances with high permeability such as the toiletry, cosmetic and foods industries.
Copyright 2009 TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD.
Features of High Resistance Film
Can be used as packaging for content with high permeability including alcohols such as ethanol, and limonene and menthol perfumes.
Cosmetics, bath agents (powder/liquid)
Medicines and quasi-drugs
Mouthwash, toothpaste, analgesic plasters, cleaning agents including detergent
Heavy chemicals and agricultural chemicals
Various shapes including bag and tube are possible and lids or spouts can be attached.
Large scale rationalization is expected through replacing glass bottles, cans and plastic containers.