
Innovative touch screen softproofing with built-in certification set to capture printers’ imagination at Drupa

Wednesday 21. May 2008 - Serendipity Software showcases a new level of "Certified" softproofing technology in Hall 7, Level 2 A-44 using 30inch displays combined with a dynamic "touch" screen console.

Veripress Software has reached a new level of innovation with the introduction of its touch screen softproofing technology which has already received a warm welcome from the press sector.

Included is a built-in ICC monitor calibrator, with a reminder and instant identification of certified pass / fail conditions providing tight control over all international and ISO print standards.

A new Calcheck creator enables printers, agencies, publishers to import and create their own ICC certification “pass / fail” charts from any in-house or industry standard profile. This ensures all parties are viewing the same pages under certified conditions using any free Blackmagic networked client.

Colour accuracy, speed of display, automation and simplicity of operation are key features of this new software.

Working from CTP single bit tiffs, CT/LW formats or PDF files with spot plates, jobs are processed at high speed and linked with a publication name. Jobs then immediately appear on the touch screen console with a thumbnail image for easy identification and instant display.

The dynamic touch screen navigator with interactive thumbnails instantly displays any section of the sheet or web ribbon within a fraction of a second.

Pre-programmed tabs provide fast viewing at print size, fit height and fit width and also back-to-back softproofing with precise reverse page viewing with transparency control and paper background simulation.

Side-by-side reader spreads are displayed from single pages or from any imposed section.

“This is what the printers asked for, so they could check the colour balance of double page ads covering read-over sections,” says Serendipity Software CEO, Mr Peter Skarpetis.

Using a magnifying loupe with Serendipity’s technology allows press operators to easily view and scroll over the original single bit tiff image showing the halftone screening. Plates can also be added, removed, re-arranged and viewed in order of choice for different printing conditions.

Exporting CIP3 data is included as standard, along with an ink key viewer, ink weight calculator, varnish plate display, guide rule, auto-cropping, in-built spectrophotometre, annotation notes and the ability to show excess ink.

Softproof tabs may contain their own press pre-sets with different ink & paper colour, dot gains, number of ink keys, transparency factors and also wet on wet conditions. All display functions use ICC profiles and take place on the fly without need for processing.

The software is server based and runs on Mac OSX / Windows and Linux with unlimited GUI clients, allowing printers with multiple press lines to take advantage of this technology.
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