
Greek Banks Choose Tyvek for Secure Envelopes

Envelopes made with DuPont™ Tyvek®.

Friday 16. May 2008 - The banking industry of Greece recently introduced envelopes made with DuPont Tyvek as the standard solution for their critical correspondence.

Fakellopoiia, the country’s second largest envelope supplier, recommended using Tyvek and 90 percent of the financial institutions took the advice. Since Tyvek can withstand tears, rips and punctures, it helps ensure maximum confidentiality while providing a high-quality appearance.
“Greece is a live example of what can become a reality in many other countries,” said Béatrice Moureaux, global marketing manager, Tyvek envelopes and graphics.
Greece has grown into an important financial market in Europe. In recent years, operations have spread to the markets of Eastern and Central Europe and to Turkey. Fakellopoiia has taken advantage of this growth and now is expanding its customer base to these regions.
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