Business News
Top Publishing Trends for 2008 Are a Real Lulu
Wednesday 16. January 2008 - In declaring 2008 the 'Year of the Author,' Publishers' Weekly names the place for people to publish. This top 15 list highlights big gains in e-book sales and e-book readers, harnessing of print-on-demand technology and movement to target niche audiences. The leader in this space, empowers anyone to create, buy and sell their work with the click of a mouse., the premiere online self-publishing digital platform and marketplace, gives users complete control of their digital content. This opens up a whole new way to produce author-generated content, not only the traditional novel but customized gifts as well. Mike Shatzkin, from Publishers’ Weekly said, “Christmas 2008 will be the first one in which sales of customized books will be substantial…Sites like have enabled author-generated books for some time.”
Upon hearing the news Founder and CEO of, Bob Young said, “Lulu users have always been trendsetters, making up a community of over one million people that find the trends in the marketplace and profit from them. As we ring in our sixth year, our success is just a testament to our customers.”